More PD opportunities from the 22i grant. All courses below are 3 weeks in length and contain two live, 1-hour webinars. After registering, you will receive course instructions; webinars will begin the week of August 8, 2016 (first week of August is rolling...
Phishing Attempt
There is a new Phishing attempt (attempts to steal your password) going around. Please be aware of this and DO NOT click on the link and enter your password. It looks like this: You have 1 new Message from GOOGLE USER [Message clipped] View entire message The...
More Free PD opportunities
No Cost Professional Development All courses below are 3 weeks in length and contain two live, 1-hour webinars. After registering, you will receive course instructions; webinars will begin the week of August 8, 2016 (first week of August is rolling enrollment and...
PD Opportunities
Celebrate! FREE Virtual Professional Development by signing up for courses over the 4th of July! Click course title below for more information on each topic. Introduction to Google Apps Intermediate Google Apps Professional Learning through Social Media Design...
Google 2 Step Authentication
2 Step Authentication in Google is a way to increase the security of your data. Basically, 2 step authentication means that you have to provide your password and something else. Normally, that is a code from a device that you have (usually your phone). A code is sent...
Free PD
Part of the statewide 22i Grant is Professional development for educators. See below for the offerings for July: Click course title below for more information on each topic. Introduction to Google Apps Intermediate Google Apps Professional Learning through Social...
Personal Purchase Opportunity
Here is an opportunity for all staff members to purchase devices for personal use. Please note that this is being offered for personal use and not for use in the school buildings. We don't directly support any of these, we are just making the information available to...
No Cost PD
FREE PD via the State of Michigan 22i Grant Each course is 3 weeks long, with two live webinars. For a complete list of Virtual Course FAQ's click here. All courses below will be eligible for 6 SCECH credits pending course completion.*$10 SCECH Registration Fee....
Why should you care? Security isn't a "fun" topic. It is important though. Recently, over 270 million email accounts were compromised. These accounts include, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft. Essentially, all of the email credentials were stolen. Why should you...
RESA Maintenance
RESA has scheduled maintenance on their network coming up this Sunday. Potential service outages can last from 8AM to 4PM. School districts are asked to avoid scheduling activities on that date that require Internet connectivity.