Technology Department News

Gmail Sync Update

We are making progress in the syncing of information from Exchange to Google Apps for Education. Here is where we currently stand:


  1.  status: RUNNING/Migrating (95%, 95%, 71%)      (300 users)
  2. status: RUNNING/Migrating (91%, 99%, 72%)       (300 users)
  3. status: RUNNING/Migrating (99%, 100%, 98%)      (300 users)
  4. status:    RUNNING/Migrating (98%, 98%, 78%)     (300 users)
  5.  status: RUNNING/Migrating (87%, 67%, 69%)      (300 users)
  6. status: RUNNING/Migrating (83%, 98%, 79%)       (300 users)
  7. status:    RUNNING/Migrating (100%, 99%, 90%) (300 users)

*Note that the parentheses indicate the percentage of  (contacts%,CAL%,Email%) that are synced. That is (95%, 95%, 71%) would indicate that 95% of the contacts, 95% of the Calendar items, and 71% of the total email of those users have been synced to Google Apps.

As you can note, this is a big improvement over our previous numbers.