Technology Department News

Google Apps for Education

The technology department is pleased to let you know that we are working on the transition to Google Apps for Education. This transition will fully take effect beginning in August of 2013.


However, we are hard at work to make sure that the transition is as easy as possible for you.


Why are we transitioning? 


  • Google Apps for Education is free. This will save the district money in terms of licensing.
  • Flexibility
  • Communication
  • Sharing
  • Spam filtering
  • 21st Century Teaching opportunities
  • Accessibility
  • More space


What can you do?


  • Please do NOT create a google account using your district email.
  • Become familiar with Google Apps for Education by viewing the links on this page.
  • Clean up your email account:
    • Delete items that you don’t need
    • Empty your deleted items (remember that when you push the delete button or click the X, you are just putting in the trash, not completely deleting it. This is akin to throwing a something in the kitchen trash can, eventually you have to empty that trash can (ie, delete your “deleted items”).)


Next Steps:


  • We are creating an account for every employee in the district.
  • We are identifying Trainers per school to be resources.
  • We are testing our implementation.
  • We are reviewing which options make the most sense for our district.


This will be a change for many people. This is also a terrific opportunity to learn some new workflows, make things more efficient and effective. With some things, there may be mindset changes.