Technology Department News

Hangin’ Out at Bryant

Chris and Troy had the opportunity to spend the day at Bryant Middle School. Ms. Shannon Peterson took us up on our offer to come to the school and hang out all day. Teachers can come down and get answers to their questions on using technology. Specifically, we focus on iLearn, iBlog and Promethean.

Here are just a few answers, tips, tricks, and solutions where we were able to help:


  • Creating a draggable copy of an item on a Promethean flip chart
  • Calibrating a Promethean Board
  • Putting a Timer on a Promethean toolbar
  • Scanning an item and placing it on a FlipChart page
  • Toolbar basics
  • Importing SmartBoard resources into Promethean
  • Editing SmartBoard resources in Promethean


  • Setting up an additional page on iBlog
  • Setting up an iBlog page to post from an iPhone
  • Connecting an iPhone to iBlog
  • Reestablishing a blog
  • Posting to a blog
  • Setting up a new blog
  • Adding Links to a blog
  • Adding categories to links on a blog
  • Deleting default links on a blog


  • Enrolling in an iLearn course
  • The basics of using iLearn in a classroom
  • Kids voting for President online
  • Sorting Student responses by last name
  • Grading student responses
  • Book reviews through iLearn
  • Students using Personal Dropbox to save files
