Technology Department News

Free SCECHs through Edupaths

Check out the newly published courses linked below…

Starting January 24, 2020 – EduPaths MOOC for 26+ FREE SCECHs

The EduPaths MOOC is completely online. It includes short modules, videos, discussion forums, individual reflections and an opportunity to put into practice what you have learned! The MOOC can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, with any device.

MOOC allows you to participate at your comfort level. We have the following participant levels:

  • Discover – I just want to observe; check things out and see how they go.
  • Explore – I want to participate some; I want to learn and familiarize myself with the content in the course.
  • Apply – I see the benefit and will participate; I want to learn and make use of content within my own learning environment.
  • Model – I want to learn, demonstrate use of and show others how to apply the content within their own learning environment.

The EduPaths MOOC Focus: Technology Integration Models – SAMR, Triple E Framework, and T-Pack

Edupaths has many other courses that you might be interested in. Check them out.