Technology Department News

Security on the Internet

Security on the Internet is a bit like Baskin Robbins, there are 31 flavors. Only, on the Internet, there are way more than 31 flavors. One of those flavors are certificates. (This is designated by httpss as opposed to https.) Certificates try to make sure that you are going to the site that you think that you are going to. They do this by issuing a certificate that is installed on the web server AND registered.

Unfortunately, Symantec played a bit fast and loose with certificates. Thus, Symantec certificates are no longer “Trusted”. Any web site that uses Symantec for their certificates will now show up with the scary message that “Your connection is not private”. There will be a big button that may say “Back to safety”. (There is also an ADVANCED button (not highlighted), that will allow you to continue to the site.)

Privacy Error Message screenshot

Unfortunately, some of these are legitimate. For example, the screen shot above is from our Destiny system (Library service from RESA). This is a completely legitimate site. It is safe to visit. However, given the message above, I’m sure that most people would not go on.

We have contacted RESA to update their certificate.

Although you should not automatically trust every site that presents this message, some are OK. It is crucial to know which sites are which. Generally, if there is a concern, don’t move on.