Technology Department News

Google Drive-Sync-Stream-Backup

Google provides some really great tools. One thing that they aren’t so good at is naming things. Google also isn’t afraid to learn from user experience and implement new things. Sometimes, this leads to confusion.

Some users may have received a notification that the Google Drive App is going away (note the word App, this is NOT Google Drive, but the Google Drive App – see what I mean about naming?). This was an application that the district did not install. However, we also didn’t block it. Some users may have installed it on their own (many may have installed it at home). What it did was to keep a “local” copy of documents on your Google Drive (again Google Drive is NOT going away). Google has removed the Google Drive App (but not Google Drive, Google Drive is still around).

*Note that the web version and the mobile version of Google Drive will not change. 

Google is actually replacing the Google Drive App with two different options:

  • Google Backup and Sync
  • Drive File Stream

Google Backup and Sync

This is the none Google Apps for Education version being rolled out to allow users to have a “local” copy of their Google Drive documents. This would be for your personal (non-Dearborn Public Schools) account. This will sync copies of your Google Drive documents to your computer.

Drive File Stream

This is the official Google answer for Education providers using Google Apps. We are still evaluating the implementation features and consequences of this.


So, what do you need to do? Generally, nothing. You can keep going to the web view of your Google Drive and that will keep right on working.

  • If you have a personal Gmail account and have Google Drive installed on your home computer, you may want to install Google Backup and Sync.
  • At work with your Dearborn Account, there is nothing that you need to do.