Technology Department News

Subscribe by email CAPTCHA

Beginning today, we’ve implemented a captcha for our subscribe by email on blogs. First of all, we realize that no one really likes captchas. So, we’ve implemented the most elegant one that we could (more about that in a minute).

As a large school district, we are constantly targeted. It is crucial that we take steps to protect our users and our identity. Thus, we need to make sure that the subscribers are real.

The captcha that we’ve implemented won’t be seen by everyone. Any user within our district network won’t be presented with a captcha (thus, it may most effective to have parents sign up while within a building). Most people appropriately signed into a Google account will not be presented with a captcha either. However, if the user is off campus (not on our network) AND not signed into a trusted Google account, that user will need to complete a picture captcha in order to complete the enrollment process.

Implementing captcha this way will help reduce the number of spammers trying to use our information. This will assist with keeping our emails properly being delivered to parents.