Technology Department News

Phone Voice Mail

With our change to Google Apps, Voice mail from phones also changed. Currently, any time a voice mail is left, a copy of that voice mail is sent via email to the end user. This means that there are two copies of the voicemail. Thus, deleting the voicemail from email has no effect on the phone (thus, the red light stays on). Similarly, deleting the voice mail on the phone has no effect on email (one more “unread” email).

This means that we have been saving a whole lot of voicemails for a long time. We have changed settings so that all voicemail will be automatically removed from the phone system after 29 days (we have unlimited email storage, so the voicemail will still be in email).

Essentially, you don’t have to do anything. However, be aware that voicemails older than 29 days will no longer be saved on the phone. If you are not getting voicemails in your email, please check your SPAM folder. If you still are not getting voicemails in your email inbox, please complete a HelpDesk ticket.

Desk phones:

Voicemails for those with a set phone number that is on a Cisco phone will see a red light when voicemails are present. Deleting the voicemails from phone will remove the red light. Voicemails will still be available via email. Voicemails can be saved or deleted in email. Voicemails can be deleted via the Messages button on the phone or will automatically delete after 29 days.

“Teacher” Numbers:

These are numbers that are not tied to a specific phone. Voicemails should be available in email. Voicemails can be retrieved via the Voicemail system, but these voicemails will be removed after 29 days. Voicemails will stay in email unless the user (that’s you) deletes them.