Technology Department News

Chromebook Raffle Results

Recently, the TAC announced a Chromebook Raffle. The raffle was to award a cart of 30 Chromebooks to classrooms. The idea behind the raffle was to seed great teachers with Chromebooks so that they can blaze the trail to develop great lessons and procedures to share with other teachers. These teachers needed to agree to share their experiences and help others in the future. Clearly, Dearborn has a wealth of great teachers. The TAC received over 100 applications. The TAC agreed to limit the awarding of Chromebook carts to one per building.

The TAC put together a committee of classroom teachers to carefully review each and every application. This was a very onerous task given the high quality of applications. The committee worked very diligently to narrow the choices down to only 15.

Here are the names of those awarded a Chromebook cart:



Melissa Berry Becker Elementary
Laura Flack Bryant Middle School
Jennifer Domino Dearborn Senior High
Carey Ranka DuVall Elementary
Victor Gregory Edsel Ford Senior High
Eman Naura Fordson Senior High
Amy Gwizdz Geer Park Elementary
Kristy Lozon Haigh Elementary
Jennifer Minier Howard Elementary
Susannah Harrington Howe Special Education
Anne Lybik Lindbergh Elementary
Iman Hammoud Miller Elementary
Allison Mayer Salina Elementary
Matthew Trerice Smith Middle School
Monica Hankins Whitmore-Bolles Elementary

Congratulations to the teachers and schools above. Thanks to all who applied.