Technology Department News

Leading the Digital Learning Transition: Creating Future Ready Schools MOOC-Ed

Leading the Digital Learning Transition: Creating Future Ready Schools MOOC-Ed. This is the fourth iteration of this FREE course which focused on the digital learning transition. If possible, I would greatly appreciate it if you would share the following with your district and school leaders across the state. We have had a broad range of state and district leaders find the course valuable, including superintendents; assistant superintendents of curriculum & instruction, professional learning, assessment, and exceptional children; CTOs; CFOs; principals; and instructional technology facilitators. The course begins on March 2, 2015; and participants can receive a certificate of completion equivalent to 20 hours.

Leading the Digital Learning Transition: Creating Future Ready Schools

March 2 – April 26

Learn more and register at


This Massive Open Online Course for Educators (MOOC-Ed) is designed for school and district leaders, and any others involved in planning and implementing K-12 MOOCdigital learning initiatives. Everyone involved in digital learning (also known as blended learning, e-learning and instructional technology) in a K-12 school or district is welcome to join the course.

This course will help you:

  • Understand the potential of digital learning in K-12 schools;
  • Assess progress and set future goals for your school or district; and
  • Begin to develop a plan to achieve your digital learning goals.

The DLT MOOC-Ed is organized around the Future Ready Schools Digital Learning Framework. This framework shows the Digital Learning Transition Vision-Plan-Implement-Assess cycle around the seven DLT planning elements, which are all centered on improving student learning. It also shows, in the outer circle, that leadership is critical throughout the transition process.

The DLT MOOC-Ed consists of five units scheduled over eight weeks. Participants are invited to work in all the units or to select those that are most relevant to their personal learning goals.  A certificate of completion to obtain CEUs is available for those who complete certain requirements. There is no cost for participating in the DLT MOOC-Ed.

Dr. Glenn Kleiman and Dr. Mary Ann Wolf are the program directors, with many others from school districts and other organizations throughout the country contributing to planning and facilitating the course.

Other MOOC-Ed courses currently open for registration include Learning Differences, Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning, Coaching Digital Learning, and Teaching Statistics through Data Investigations. More information about these courses can be found at