Technology Department News

iLearn Update Complete

We have completed an update of iLearn. This was an extensive update. However, it is now complete. Here are some of the features that the update brings:

Improved grading features

  • Easily review and provide in-line feedback by annotating on PDF files directly within browser.
  • Conveniently allocate student assignments to different markers, and control when marks are released to individual students.
  • Certainty-based marking in Quizzes now provides improved feedback for learners.

Dynamic and streamlined course management

  • Quickly edit course activities and resources across all devices.
  • Easily add a Single activity course format.

Annotate uploaded PDF files in browser

Provide feedback directly within PDF file submissions by using a variety of annotating tools available, including stamps and phrases from a comment bank. (Requires ghostscript on server.)


Enhanced marking workflow and allocation

Control when marks are released for viewing, for example, when they have been reviewed and moderated. Individual markers can also be allocated assignments and these allocations will show up clearly in the gradebook.


Enhanced feedback in Certainty-based marking

Quizzes using Certainty-based marking now provide better feedback for learners.


Easily edit course activities and resources

Editing tools have been grouped together to in a simple drop down menu for easy accessibility across desktop and mobile devices.


Add a Single activity course format

Simply select and add any one activity as a standard course format which is displayed directed on the course page (This feature supersedes the old SCORM course format).


Experience a better learning platform

  • A more user-friendly TinyMCE editor
  • Easily access files from Microsoft Skydrive.
  • Improved calendar handling with multiple calendar support
  • Simplified username and password recovery
  • Improved file management in TinyMCE editor
  • Better responsive design across devices


A more user-friendly TinyMCE editor

The improved TinyMCE editor can be resized to suit various browser widths, and features user-friendly icons and a collapsible toolbar menu.


Improved calendar handling with multiple calendar support

Moodle 2.6 supports and displays the same date in multiple calendar system, including Gregorian, Hebrew, Islamic and more, so you can select a preferred calendar system.


Improve file management in TinyMCE editor

Add and manage files previously embedded in a text area with the new TinyMCE Manage Embedded files plugin and Embedded files repository.


Better responsive design

Moodle works and looks better across all devices, including desktops, tablets and phones.