Technology Department News

Michigan Moodle Moot – Training for iLearn

Teachers interested in Blended Learning should try to attend the Michigan Moodle Moot.  You will be able to network and learn about the powerful features of Moodle (iLearn).

Please join Moodle enthusiasts from across Michigan for MI Moodle Moot 2014.  Moot 2014 features six Preconference Workshops on January 9 and 20+ Conference Sessions onJanuary 10 at Mid Michigan Community College Doan Center in Mt. Pleasant.


The Moot brings educators together from K-12 and higher education to learn to us Moodle to blend instruction and support teaching and learning. Registration and More Information:


**Preconference Workshop & Conference Session information is also attached***

Moot 2014 Conf Sessions

Moot 2014 Preconf Workshops