Technology Department News


Recently a SPAM email made it through our filters. In today’s world, we all need to be wise about how we use computers. If you went to the site in the email, sign into a computer and change your password to something different than what you entered on that site. To change your password:

  • sign into a computer
  • depress the keys CTRL, ALT, DELETE (all three at the same time)
  • Select Change a password
  • Enter your old password and then a new, different password twice.

 A quick note. We do have you change your password for security reasons a couple of times a year. However, this is set up so that you change your password when signing into a computer. We do NOT send you to a web page to change your password.


A little knowledge can help keep you safe:

  • Please see the posting from November 8th
  • URL’s will give you valuable information (a URL is a web address, it is what you type in to get to a web page- eg. is the URL for Google). The truly important part is the .com (or .org. or .us) and the part before that.
  • Hovering over a link (without clicking on it) will reveal where the link is really going. For example, a link may say, but if you hover your mouse over the link (without clicking on it), it will reveal that the real link is (Note that the bad guys have gotten even better at this and it will now frequently say or something like that.)

With the Holiday’s approaching, more of these SPAM and Phishing issues will arise. Those who attempt to steal your information get better and better at this each year. It is important for you to learn to be safe.