Technology Department News

Moodle – ChemVantage LTI Setup and Usage

Here is a great way to give access to Chemvantage videos, quizzes, and homework via Moodle.  Using LTI your Moodle website connects to ChemVantage and allows the two sites to communicate back and forth.   This means that a quiz taken using the embedded ChemVantage will be added to your Moodle Gradebook.  Automatically.  There has never been an easier way to add content to your Moodle course.

While this works for chemistry teachers, there are plenty of other LTI resources available.  One such resource involves using WordPress to give blog access to Moodle Users.  I am working on this and hope to have a working example soon.

Here is a video of how we connected ChemVantage with Moodle.

You will need to email ChemVantage to get LTI Credentials which allows your Moodle site to connect.