When beginning your documentation process, to ensure that you are using the most upto-date form, please use the DPPD form that is found in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS), entitled “District Provided Professional Development Record for Certificate Renewal.” The DPPD form can be found on the second page of the document. Other forms obtained from your school or colleagues may be older versions and may not be used. Complete your section of the form. You will need a separate form for each school year you are claiming DPPD.
How Do I Record My Activities in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS)?
Log-in to MOECS and follow the steps indicated within the system. The document entitled “DPPD: Logging it into MOECS” will be a useful tool for you.
Do I Need to Fax/Mail in the DPPD Forms?
Applications for progression to the next level of certificate or for Standard Teaching Certificate and Standard CTE Certificate renewals will require you to submit your DPPD documents to the Office of Professional Preparation Services. When you generate an application in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS), you will receive an application cover letter that provides instructions for submitting documentation.
For Professional Teaching Certificate renewals and Advanced Professional Teaching Certificate renewals, you DO NOT submit DPPD documentation at the time of application, but the documents should be retained for your records. Should you ever be audited by MDE, you will be required to submit the signed original DPPD form(s) and initialed DPPD log(s). Keep your form(s) and log(s) for your records and any future audit.
What Happens if the Principal Who Needs to Sign My DPPD Forms is No Longer Employed by the District?
This is why it may be in your best interests to have your DPPD forms completed/signed yearly or as soon as possible. Check with your Human Resources office to determine the current school designee. Once you determine who the school designee is, you can request that they sign your DPPD forms. If the current school designee does not have the appropriate documentation to warrant signing your DPPD forms, it is unfortunate, but you may not use those hours towards certificate renewal or progression.
What Will I Need if You Audit Me?
If you are selected by our office for an audit, you will be required to submit your signed DPPD form(s) along with your printed and initialed DPPD pages from the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). Reference the document DPPD: Logging it into MOECS for specifics on proper documentation of your DPPD.
Who Signs My DPPD Form(s)?
The DPPD form itself requires the signature of your building principal or school designee. Contact your school to determine who has been assigned as the school designee.
How Far Back Can a School Sign Off On DPPD?
A school can go back as far as they are capable of providing documentation to support the DPPD, the teacher’s attendance, and the appropriateness to grade level and content area. The school’s ability to submit to an audit should also be taken into consideration. Note: DPPD used for certificate renewal or progression can only be used if it was earned after the issue date of the most recent certificate.
Submit the DPPD form with the DPPD log(s) to your Principal/School Designee for the required verification and signature.
It is your responsibility to consult with your school district on the appropriate person to sign the DPPD form and initial the DPPD log(s).
You will be asked to submit the signed DPPD form and initialed DPPD log(s) to the Office of Professional Preparation Services during the application process if you are progressing to the Professional Teaching or the Professional CTE certificate.
If you are renewing a Professional Teaching, Professional CTE, School Counselor, School Psychologist Certificate, or School Administrator Certificate, you will retain the DPPD form and DPPD log(s) in case of audit.
Submit the DPPD form with the DPPD log(s) to your Principal/School Designee for the required verification and signature. It is your responsibility to consult with your school district on the appropriate person to sign the DPPD form and initial the DPPD log(s). A private/non-public school that has not agreed in writing to have their DPPD audited CANNOT sign off on your form. You will be asked to submit the signed DPPD form and initialed DPPD log(s) to the Office of Professional Preparation Services during the application process if you are progressing to the Professional Teaching or the Professional CTE certificate. If you are renewing a Professional Teaching, Professional CTE, School Counselor, School Psychologist Certificate, or School Administrator Certificate, you will retain the DPPD form and DPPD log(s) in case of audit.