Technology Department News


Gmail Sync Update

Well, we continue to make progress. Calendar and Contact syncing is just about complete. Email syncing is getting very, very close. status: RUNNING/Migrating (100%, 100%, 88%)    (300 users) status: RUNNING/Migrating (99%, 100%, 88%)      (300 users) status:...

Gmail Sync Update

  We continue to make progress on our Google Apps sync. This means that the majority of users will have their information in Google Apps. Almost all of the contacts and calendars have synced, and we are making great strides in email....

Gmail Sync Update

We are making progress in the syncing of information from Exchange to Google Apps for Education. Here is where we currently stand: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  status: RUNNING/Migrating (95%, 95%, 71%)      (300...

Gmail Syncing

As you are well aware, we are syncing information from the old Exchange system to the new Gmail system. Here is an update on where we are with the process. We are currently running 14 different sync instances. This means that we have 14 different "pipes" connected up...

Gmail for iPhone/iPad

There are actually three different ways to set up your Google Apps account on your iPhone or iPad. Each of these has benefits and detriments. You can set up your account as an Exchange account. You can set up your account as a Gmail account (IMAP). You can use the...

iLearn Update

This has truly been a busy, busy summer for us. Not only have we instituted the Gmail transition, updated iBlog, updated the HelpDesk system, but we have also updated iLearn. This update will include a new "look and feel" along with some additional functionality and...

Gmail Warning Messages

Many people are loving the switch to Google Apps. Once everything is synced, the happiness quotient will be even higher. Please note that some people are receiving the following notice: This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification THIS IS A WARNING...


We are pleased to let you know that we have new HelpDesk software available for you to use. When you click on the HelpDesk Ticket (available under the Staff Tab on the main Dearborn Public Schools web page), you'll be taken to our new HelpDesk site called OTTERS. This...

Google Apps for Education Mail Settings for Phones

We have begun our exciting transition to Google Apps for Education. This will bring powerful opportunities to us. Along with those opportunities are necessary changes. Many people now use their phones to check for email. In order to continue doing so, you'll need to...

Google Apps for Education

We are one day closer to our transition to Google Apps for Education. Although email is not set up yet, staff can sign in and use Google Apps for Education. Here is a testimonial from one user: I tried it yesterday and it worked.  It was easy to set up but must be...