We are hard at work updating the network, back up, connections and security. As you can probably imagine, this is an absolutely huge task. We are putting a new filter in place and implementing lots of security measures to help keep everyone safe. You have probably...
Google Drive
Google Drive Sync You can sync your Google Drive documents with your computer. This makes all of your Google Drive documents available even if an Internet disruption occurs. Thus, your documents are always available. If an Internet disruption does occur, you can...
Free PD
Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant Sign Up NOW for the March 2 Start! The Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) in conjunction with Dell, Inc., is excited to bring your district an opportunity to learn about XBL and Next Generation Assessments,...
MI-Star Access
There are two RESA maintenance events scheduled for this Friday that overlap. The first event is the MISTAR Web Update starting at 4:00 PM. The second event is a network routing change starting at 5:30 PM. Both events are explained below. MISTAR Web Update The...
Passwords: A few thoughts on passwords: Passwords are a necessary evil. Someday, there will be a better system. In the meantime... Although we generally advise against using the automatic save feature in browsers, we understand why some users use them. It is better...
Leading the Digital Learning Transition: Creating Future Ready Schools MOOC-Ed
Leading the Digital Learning Transition: Creating Future Ready Schools MOOC-Ed. This is the fourth iteration of this FREE course which focused on the digital learning transition. If possible, I would greatly appreciate it if you would share the following with your...
Community Feedback
We are extremely focused on providing the best experience for our parents, community and students. To that end, we are collecting information from each of those groups. Please use the links below to provide us with valuable feedback: Community Survey Parent Survey...
NWEA Maintenance
Please be aware that NWEA Knowledge Academy will be undergoing maintenance/updating starting Friday, January 30th. It will return on Monday, February 2nd by 9 a.m. The updates will include a new URL and Name Change. The Knowledge Academy will become Destination PD....
The bad guys keep getting better. Please be aware of a couple of points. There are several scammers sending around notices about appearing in court, or court proceedings. These will include a .zip file. Do NOT under any circumstances open the attachment. It contains...
TRIG Professional Development - At NO COST January 19, 2015- February 8, 2015 Participants will explore and apply aspects of technology integration, blended learning and data collection toward the creation of a classroom-ready assessment that is grade-level and...