Technology Department News

Google Update with AutoCrat

Many people are using AutoCrat to share information or create mail merges automatically. This is a fantastically efficient way to share information. Please be aware that Google has just made a change that may effect these forms. If you automatically collect user names, Google is changing the name of this field from <<username>> to <<Email Address>>.

It appears that Google has recently made a change to the field that automatically collects email addresses, changing it from <<username>> to <<Email Address>>. As Autocrat basically creates merge messages, it’s still looking for <<username>> and will generate an error in the send status column (e.g. Error: Invalid email: undefined).

To fix this you’ll need to go through all of your spreadsheets and edit your templates. Unfortunately, it appears the changes are rolling out arbitrarily (I have a mix of spreadsheets that have been updated).

Thank you.