Technology Department News

Chromebook Cart Raffle

The Chromebook Cart Raffle was met with lots of applications. The committee is now at work reading and rating all of the applications. Since all of the evaluators are working teachers, they will be working through as quickly as possible. Once the awardees are selected, we will post the names and schools on this blog.

A quick overview of the process. All applications were done through Google Forms. Some of the data (respondent names and entries times were stripped out) responses were then merged into separate Google Document for each applicant (if you are familiar with Mail Merge in Word, it’s like that). Those documents were then shared with the evaluators. Additionally, the data was copied into a new spreadsheet (again applicant name and entry date were not copied) and access to that document was given to the evaluators.

Please remember that the Chromebook Carts will be limited to one award per building. As soon as the process is complete, a posting will be made here.
