A little known secret in iLearn is the ePortfolio tool. This tool is built using software called Mahara and is fully integrated with iLearn. This tool allows students to collect, store, and display their work. They can form groups and more to share information, create pages, and connect with other students. They are able to build portfolios by choosing which pieces of work they want to share in pages. Writing, reflection, sharing – these are all traits of a good portfolio system and we have this tool ready and waiting for your students!
Teacher Robert Harrison at EFHS is a true pioneer (Not to be confused with a “pioneer” in the DHS sense) working with a blended learning classroom. His latest endeavor is having students write and reflect on their work using ePortfolios. The Mahara ePortfolio solution was ideal because his students were already familiar with logging into iLearn. The portfolio button is right on the iLearn homepage and easily accessible to students even if the teacher is not using iLearn for blended learning. By having the students store their lab reports, writing journals, and adding other learning material in the portfolio the students are able to produce, collect, and share their learning.
The best part is that the student at any time can export their entire portfolio and all their work as a zip file and take it with them! Lets take a look at a few images of what the student portfolios look like. Remember, the students build these on their own.
- Displaying PDF Lab Reports
- Portfolio overview
- Notice the comments on the bottom.