Technology Department News

Virus Protection Update

We are constantly working to improve the service and usability of our computers and our computer network. In the best of times, this can be quite a challenge. In financially difficult times, it is an even bigger challenge. Our best successes are things that you never know. Our best work occurs allowing you to continue to help students succeed. We understand that you don’t want to worry about the technology. You want things to “just work”. That remains our goal.


As part of our continued commitment to provide you with the best service and be good fiduciary stewards, we are changing our virus protection software.  In the past, we have used Trend Micro. Trend occasionally slowed down computers significantly. Trend is also quite expensive. Instead we will be switching over to AVG.


You should not have to do anything special. When you next start your computer, you may notice AVG installing. This is normal and a one time process. We are starting some computers to monitor the process so you may or may not see the installation happen.


We will be monitoring the effectiveness and use of AVG.