Congratulations! to Cathy Tade, the recipient of the 2022 Dearborn Adult & Community Education Teacher of the Year Award.
Cathy joins 4 other Award winners from the whole Dearborn District. Celebrating 25 years of honoring Dearborn Educators, the Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce with assistance from the Dearborn Public Schools recognized the winners of the 2022 Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Students’ Choice Awards on Thursday, April 21.
Awards were presented in five categories. The winning teachers are Nate Brow of McDonald Elementary (preK-2nd grades), Sarah Verrier of Howe Elementary (3rd-5th grades), Todd Colville of Unis Middle, Haiffa Mourad-Chamma of Dearborn High, and Cathy Tade in Adult Education.The Dearborn Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the awards presented by LaFontaine Automotive Group.
The ceremony at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center was attended by more than 200 teachers, who were also able to enter a special raffle at the event.Each of the five honorees received a $1,000 cash prize, a hand-made glass apple award from the Glass Academy in Dearborn, a season pass to the Dearborn Symphony, and memberships to The Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation, AAA, HYPE Athletics and Crunch Fitness, along with several gift cards to area restaurants and businesses. The Chamber’s Education Committee, chaired by Philipp Emma, selected the five winners from a field of more than 2,000 nominations for more than 500 educators.#dearborn#adulteducation#dearbornpublicschools#teachersofinstagram#teacheroftheyear#dearbornheights@dearbornareachamber