Changes in Dearborn Schools tax bills. Homeowners in the Dearborn Public School District will see fluctuations in the district portion of their tax bills over the next two yeas due to a reduction in regular school funding and the end of a bond tax. For Dearborn residents, these changes will all appear on the summer bills. Dearborn Heights residents have school taxes split between their summer and winter bills. A mill is $1 of tax for every $1,000 of taxable value. Hold Harmless 2021/22- 6.17 mills 2022/23 - 0 2023/24 - 3 to 4 mills Debt from 2002 bond 2021/22- 2.28 mill 2022/23 - 0 2023/24 - 0 Debt from 2013 bond 2021/22 - 1.22 mill 2022/23 - 1.22 mill 2023/24 - 1.22 mill Hold Harmless - This tax was implemented in 194 when the state revamped school funding. Voters reapproved it twice since then. For 2022 the tax will be waived afte rthe state cut the district's regular funding. The Hold Harmless tax will return at a lower rate the following year and continue at a reduced level. This change only applies to homeowners. 2022 bond - The district will make the final payment next year on the bond voters approved in 2002. That millage will be removed from tax bills. Debt from 2013 bond - This millage will remain, although the amount may change slightly.

Change in state funding means reduction in local property tax bills this summer

Touted as an increase in school funding, a complicated change in how Dearborn Public Schools received state aid this fiscal year actually resulted in millions less for the district in per pupil funding. Local homeowners will benefit from the tax change with a dip in their property tax bill this summer followed by the return…

Outside north vestibule showing cracks in wall

Two town halls, website added to discuss and gather input on district infrastructure needs, financing and possible bond

Dearborn Public Schools has added two more town halls to present information and gather feedback on infrastructure needs in the district, how to pay for repairs and improvements, and whether residents would support a vote for a bond or other tax millage to fix those needs. The full list of remaining meeting dates includes: Tuesday,…