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The Teacher of the Year Award ceremony, presented by Dearborn Chamber of Commerce, was another huge success. Congratulations go to Ms. Hala Farhat, ESL instructor! She, along with her colleagues, was very honored to be nominated. In our book, they are ALL...
Dearborn Adult Education success story! GED and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes have started but REGISTRATION IS STILL ON! Call 313-827-1900.
This year is the first time that Adult Education teachers can be nominated for this annual award! Let’s let the whole school district know how much we love and appreciate our Adult Ed teachers! We urge Adult Ed students to participate and to nominate their favorite...
What is GEAR-D? GED Education AND Resources Dearborn (GEAR-D) is a FREE 15 week program wherein students will attain a GED and stackable and marketable credentials for immediate entry into Health occupations. This program is a partnership between Dearborn Public...